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21 November 2013

Quotes !!!

Visit the Shmoop website link HERE and have a look at the some of the quotes they have elected to highlight. Look in particular at the quotes on Identity (Identity) Foreignness (Acceptance) Family (Relationships) and Contrasting Regions (Understanding). 

This website is not a HSC related site. Yet seemingly it identifies the same evidence that we have already highlighted in class. What does this say to you? What does it say about the concept of belonging? About the nature of the concept? Anything?

After reading through your the quotes choose your top five. Your top five are those quotes that you can see yourself writing extensively on/about. Write them down and underneath each compose a short explanation/link to belonging. What is each saying about the nature of belonging?

1 comment:

  1. Quote

    Chapter Five/First Paragraph

    Though Gogol doesn't know it, even Nikolai Gogol renamed himself.

    Symbolic? This shows that belonging can transcend time. Gogol is named after his father's favourite author. This establishes a sense of connection between them. It also establishes a sense of connection between Gogol and his namesake. And here it can be seen that Gogol and his namesake both share similar experiences. They belong in/by more than just name.


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